Pinterest Pro

Learn how to inspire buyers, increase traffic, get targeted leads, improve SEO, make the most out of promoted pins, and more!

55% of people that use Pinterest go there specifically to shop and buy. If you’re working with a client in any business that has a product, a training, a service, anything that they want to get in front of people, Pinterest is the ideal platform for them to be on. Pinterest Pro is our proven training on the powerful visual search engine that allows you to reach the right customer INSIDE of the buying process.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Pinterest Pro Foundation & Strategy

    • Pinterest Pro Overview

    • Strategy

  • 2

    Your Pinterest Business

    • Setting Up Your Pinterest Business

  • 3

    Content & Boards

    • Content & Boards

  • 4

    Pinterest Audience Grow & Engagement

    • Grow & Engage

  • 5

    Traffic & Invitation

    • Traffic & Inviting

  • 6

    Scheduling & Tracking

    • Scheduling & Tracking

  • 7

    Promoted Pins

    • Promoted Pins Part 1

    • Promoted Pins Part 2

  • 8

    Case Studies

    • Case Study

  • 9

    Pinterest Marketing As a Service [Client Work]

    • Client Work

  • 10

    Pinterest Business Setup - Walkthrough

    • Walkthrough: Pinterest Business Part 1

    • Walkthrough: Pinterest Business Part 2

    • Walkthrough: Pinterest Business Part 3

    • Walkthrough: Pinterest Business Part 4 (Following Feed)

  • 11

    Promoted Pins - Walkthrough

    • Walkthrough: Promoted Pins Part 1

    • Walkthrough: Promoted Pins Part 2

  • 12

    Tags & Audience - Walkthrough

    • Walkthrough: Tags & Audiences

  • 13

    Graphic Templates - Walkthrough

    • Walkthrough: Graphic Templates

  • 14

    Automation - Walkthrough

    • Walkthrough: Automation

  • 15


    • Interview with Jesse Jameson

    • Interview with Kate Buck Jr.

  • 16

    Download Templates & Documents

    • Daily Method of Operations: Pinterest Business

    • Pinterest Metrics Defined

    • PInterest Tag Defined

    • Pinterest Targeting

  • 17

    Bonus Training: August 2020

    • Why Businesses Are Flocking to Pinterest

    • Understanding the Power of Promoted Pins

    • Grow a Super Targeted Audience that Converts

    • Affiliate Marketing Case Study

    • Understanding the Power of Promoted Pins

    • Q & A


Chef Katrina

Pinterest Instructor/Expert

Prior to Chef Katrina becoming an online entrepreneur, she worked as a Sous Chef for Walt Disney World for over 12 years. Having burnt out from the corporate kitchen, Chef turned to online marketing and found her passion teaching entrepreneurs the recipe for marketing online. Chef Katrina is on a mission to empower, educate and support aspiring marketers everywhere to create true success online. She is the Social Media Pro faculty Pinterest expert.